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Friday, January 16, 2009:


  • Reclamation of an Industrial Suburb: A municipal rating study of Fitzroy (Melbourne: LVRG, 1949); illustrated, 60pp [4233kB]; http://lvrg.org.au/archive/fitzroy-1949.pdf.*
  • Rising Municipal Costs: A comparison of relative abilities of Alternative Rating Systems to provide increased rate yield (Melbourne: LVRG, 1949); 16pp [6416kB]; http://lvrg.org.au/archive/rising-municipal-costs-1949.pdf.*
  • “Camberwell City: Its progress under site-value rating”, Progress No.569 (August 1955), pp.3–4 [54kB]; http://lvrg.org.au/archive/camberwell-1955.pdf.*
  • “Farmrates” on Primary Producing Properties (Melbourne: LVRG, 1956); 8pp [4580kB]; http://lvrg.org.au/archive/farmrates-mulgrave-1956.pdf.*
  • A.R. Hutchinson, “Shopping Centre Surveys in Five States: Effects of Exemption of Buildings and Site-Value Taxation”, The Valuer, vol.XV, no.7 (July 1959), pp.3–12 [951kB]; http://lvrg.org.au/archive/shopping-centre-surveys-1959.pdf.*
  • A.R. Hutchinson, How Victoria Adopted Site Value Rating  (Melbourne: General Council for Rating Reform, 1962); 23pp [1962kB]; http://lvrg.org.au/archive/how-victoria-adopted-site-value-rating-1962.pdf.*
  • Should Local Government Rates be based on the “Improved” or the “Unimproved” Value of Land? — A Digest of Submissions to the NSW Royal Commission on Local Government, Finance and Valuation, 1968; 20pp [5227kB]; http://lvrg.org.au/archive/nsw-digest-1968.pdf.*
  • How to restore Victorian Railways finances and reduce freights and fares, submitted to the Victorian Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee Inquiry on Railways, 1972; 11pp [3369kB]; http://lvrg.org.au/archive/vic-railways-1972.pdf.*
  • A.R. Hutchinson, What changes should be made in the taxation system of the Commonwealth of Australia? — Statement to the Commonwealth Taxation Review Committee of Inquiry, April 1973; 19pp [12,648kB]; http://lvrg.org.au/archive/cth-tax-review-1973.pdf.*
  • A.R. Hutchinson, Natural Resources Rental Taxation in Australia (Melbourne: LVRG, 1978), ISBN 0 909946 01 9 ; 68pp [25,369kB]; http://lvrg.org.au/archive/rrt-1978.pdf.*
  • A.R. Hutchinson et al., Victorian Local Government Rating Study (LVRG, April 1979); 17pp [473kB]; http://lvrg.org.au/archive/rates-1979.pdf.*
  • P. Anderson, The Merits of Site Value, submitted to the Rating Review conducted by the Victorian Office of Local Government  (General Council for Rating Reform, September 1993); 48pp [1170kB]; http://lvrg.org.au/archive/merits-of-site-value.pdf.*
  • T.M. Dwyer, “The Taxable Capacity of Australian Land and Resources”, Australian Tax Forum, vol.18, no.1 (January 2003); pp. 21–68 [906kB]; http://lvrg.org.au/Text/1124864122358-5260/uploadedFiles/1125217371937-4327.pdf.*

See also Bryan Kavanagh's collection of works by E.J. Craigie. For more recent publications, see the Scrapbook.


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[Last modified Feb.2, 2013.]

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